Science, Science and Society, Technology

Great sciencey watchables

August looks set to be an absolute cracker for that segment of my readership who a) likes to watch science-related programming and b) has access to TVNZ 7 (hilariously, I don’t actually fit into the latter group).

tvnz7 science

Still, even if you don’t, then guaranteed you’ll have a friend who does, and it’s a handy excuse to go and sit on someone else’s couch and flatten their snacks/wine/fridge contents.

To get on with it, then, August has been designated ‘Spotlight on Science & Technology’ month on said television channel, and there’s a veritable cornucopia of fun things at to point the eyeballs.  Done in conjunction with the Royal Society and MoRST, the idea is to get people all excited about science and technology and so forth.

You can go have a look at the schedule here - I was going to pick out some programmes I thought looked especially interesting, but the list rapidly became, well, comprehensive.  Or, to put it another way, it _all_ looks really interesting.

All that remains is to ask: anyone have a TVNZ7-enabled couch on which I can come over and sit?


Also, further, and in addition, there’s even more!  And this time, all you need is an internet connection :)

Hot Science is a fantastic channel of documentaries and series on science in New Zealand.  Some of the docos are hosted by Paul Callaghan himself, which is pretty cool - for those not familiar with him, he’s one of the legends in the sci/tech/innovation scene in New Zealand, being a brilliant scientist and also one of the brains behind magritek.

While they all look absolutely fascinating, I’m particularly interested in “Beyond the Farm and Theme Park”,  “Nanoclusters”, and the programmes on optics and communications.  There goes my weekend, apparently…

(HT: Nick Jones of the Centre for Software Innovation)

  • Ken Perrott

    Unfortunately I don’t have access to TV 7 either. (Must do something about that).

    But I am hoping that a lot if this stuff will be available afterwards to download.

  • Aimee Whitcroft

    One hopes so :)