Culture, General, Science, etc.

nerd nite Wellington 10, featuring Mars, quantum mechanics and Mad Makers

This month’s edition of nerd nite Wellington looks to be a cracker. Or, possibly, a corker.


  To celebrate the 10th edition,we’ve got people talking about making mad gadgets (and noises with them), KiwiMars and quantum mechanics. April 23rd, from 6pm.

And two of them are Scibloggers!  Elf Eldridge and Roger Hanson, to be precise.

More details soon - keep an eye on this blog, or the nerd nite twitter stream, Facebook page (And Facebook event) and/or website.

For those not familiar with the nerd nite format - it’s a series of talks (3-4* speakers per event) wherein people stand up and speak for about 20 minutes on a subject about which they’re geeky (read: passionate). It started in the States years and years ago (and at least one of the chapters is now sponsored by The Big Bang Theory), and has since spread into Europe, too. I’ve been running the only Southern Hemisphere chapter - in Wellington - for, well, 10 nerd nites Wellington now. Yikes :)

I hold them approximately every two months, and you’re all welcome!  They’re free, and are always held at bars so that people can talk, eat, and enjoy themselves.  Nothing of the stuffy old lecturehall here!

Talks so far have ranged from topics such as cryptic crosswords and scrabble, to geoengineering and the use of video editing as a tool for propoganda.  And a bunch in between! Details of all of the talks, and links to the videos we were able to take of many of them, are once again on the nerd nite Wellington website.

If you would like to speak, would like to _hear_ a particular person speak, or have a subject for which you’d like me to find a speaker, give me a shout.

And if you like writing? Well, we’ve got some plans in that space too (for the worldwide nerd nite group) so again, give me a shout!


Currently, I’m calling it the ‘we’re still thinking of a name for it’ edition, but I’ve also received the awesome suggestion of ‘Of the Strange, the Alien and the Device’.

Think you can do better?


* I’ve made the decision from now on only to have three speakers, having generally had four in the past.