How did feathers evolve?

No doubt you all know by now that fellow Sciblogger and all-around awesomesauce person Siouxsie Wiles has started making some wonderful science videos. If you’ve not already seen and loved them, you can catch them on her YouTube channel - we look forward to the next ones, Siouxsie! And so, in that vein, I thought […]

More fraud behind paper retractions than you might have thought

A subject that’s come up in discussion with my friend a couple of times recently has been the increase in retractions of scientific papers from journals. I’ve always staunchly defended allegations this might be due to naughty scientists. I am  now having to make my own retraction about that. According to research (as yet unretracted) […]

TOSP Episode 8: October 31st 2011

[Original post on the Sciblogs The Official Sciblogs Podcast site] Featuring something ever so slightly different this week. Elf, as previously mentioned, is away for a couple of weeks (somewhere in the Pacific, possibly)? So aimee invited friend, and the g33k show co-host Chelfyn Baxter onto the podcast. This week, we covered the very real […]