Science and Society

In which I join the 'hello readers!' meme

And it’s not just a cheerful greeting, either.


Rather, it’s an encouragement for our blogs’ readers to step forward, say hi, and introduce themselves. Started, well, multiple times in various ways, the most recent instance thereof is superhero science blogger** Ed Yong resurrecting his own meme.  ‘Cause you can do that when you’re kickass.

Anyway, since then the clarion call has been picked up by the legendary Carl Zimmer, fellow Research Blogging Awards 2010 finalist gg (whose tweeted weird science facts, under the name drdryskull, are always illuminating), and fellow Sciblogs denizen Grant Jacobs.  And there are more joining at every nanosecond.

Little wonder, then, that I felt the urge to join in.

Also, it is something in which I’m genuinely interested.  Not only so I can say ‘O hai’, but also because having a market research background means one always wants to know these sorts of things.

Questions you could answer might include:

  • Your background
  • What you do for a living
  • What you do for fun
  • Other favourite blogs
  • How on earth you found me, given my position on the arse end of the world
  • Any constructive criticisms you might have (nonconstructive criticisms will be met with a witheringly ambivalent ‘meh’)
  • The percentage towards which you feel you’ve reached the full potential of your superpowers.  Feel free to elaborate
  • And, of course, anything else you’d like to witter on about/share.  ‘Cause blogging’s supposed to be, y’know, interactive

Please, prove wrong my assumption that I’m going to be hearing the crickets chirping…


* And no, I don’t feel dirty for joining in on a meme.  Not at all.  So there.

OOH, also, Carl Zimmer conducted a pretty cool science reader survey earlier this year.  Commentary/results here.

  • Grant Jacobs

    I’m a denizen? :-)

    The last time I read that word was in Unseen Academicals (A Terry Pratchett novel for those not familiar with this work.)

    He used it to describe those that lived in the dens below the Unseen University. Den citizens, as it were.

    Others, do join in. The reason I’m not saying a lot about me is that Aimee already knows about me.

    Hang on, let me take that back. I’m adding this to my own “who are you” thread. Before that: my fav blogs are my blogroll on my blog; percentage of potential fulfilled: not anything like as much as I want. Now:

    I’m an independent computational biology consultant, with an interest in science communication. I get to do a wide range of projects; my own research interests are in epigenetics & gene regulation (esp. chromatin-level control of gene regulation), & new algorithms for bioinformatics.

    I followed quite a lot science blogs about all sort of topics before I started blogging & still try to but I haven’t as much time now that I’m writing my own.

    Away from science, I tramp (hike), read too much and other typical things. Travelling in out of the way places is something I enjoy. (Don’t get a lot of opportunity to, though.)

    I mean to write more ‘real science’ articles, but this takes time… Or at least my approach to it takes time. (I rarely read just the paper I’m writing about, and do a lot of other stuff, like fact-checking and reading around the subject randomly.)

    Please note: this comment has been slightly modified

  • Aimee Whitcroft

    Cheers, Grant! Now, who else out there want to step forward, hmm?

    * crickets *