Google launches STEM competition

I’ve just received a press release from Google, about a competition which looks kinda cool :) On January 11th, they’re going to be launching the (first ever, as is so common with the company) Google Online Science Fair.  Because of its online nature, it means it can be global pretty easily, and it’s open to […]

Introducing a new blog: sticK

Gosh, what a week :) Yes, we’re happy to introduce you to our third new blogger, Peter Kerr, whose content we’re syndicating over from his blog sticK - science, technology, innovation & commercialisation KNOWLEDGE. Fascinating subject matter, this. The name of the blog really says it all, so all we’ll say is ‘Welcome, Peter’!  You […]

Introducing a new blog: Infectious Thoughts

And, we have another! We’re pleased as punch (and various other expressions of joy) to introduce our newest blogger, Siouxsie Wiles, to all of you. She’ll be penning Infectious Thoughts, a blog devoted to skepticism, debunking pseudoscientific medical claims, and other forms of clear thinking.  No doubt, it’ll be covering other subjects too, given that […]

A return, of sorts

Right!  I’m going to try to revive this here li’l blog. ‘Cause I keep meaning to, but then life gets busy.  How, you say?  Well, in recent weeks I have: a) spent three weeks in a 3rd world country with crap interwebs b) had my workload changed and increased c) been to a conference d) […]

Introducing a new blog: molecular matters

Hooray!  Adding to our already-fantastic list of new blogs, we’re proud to introduce you to molecular matters. Penned by regular guestwork contributor Michael Edmonds, it’s going to cover all sorts of interesting things: chemistry, pseudoscience/anti-science, science communication, and no doubt a wealth of other subjects. So, welcome Michael!  We’re glad to have you on board […]

5 ways to gain a lover

Yes, it is a shameful, shameful misappropriation of a great song, but I couldn’t help myself. Not even a little bit. And seriously, there are, apparently, five different styles of flirting.  An ‘inventory’*, if you will.  And what, pray (or, possibly, prey) are they?  Read on, dear reader! Traditional This is based very much in […]