Podcast, Science and Society

TOSP Episode 11: November 21st 2011

[Original post on the Sciblogs The Official Sciblogs Podcast site]

And we’re back with another new episode of TOSP!

This week, aimee and Elf talk of many things, including the winners of this year’s top NZ science award(s), the world’s lightest material, stem cell research, sexism in science (‘womanspace’), a nanocar, still-faster-than-light neutrinos, the casimir effect, and a very special congratulations to one of our Scibloggers (Sciblings)!


We do hope you enjoy :)  Also always, please do get in touch with us with comments, questions, feedback etc - we want to make this work for _you_, our listeners!

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Additionally, we have a Youtube Channel – Sciblogs Podcast – which gets updated weekly, too.


2011 New Zealand Research Honours

First woman awarded science honour

Support scientific curiosity: winning researcher

Three new medals presented at 2011 New Zealand Research Honours event

Scientists Invent ‘World’s Lightest’ Material

Stem Cell Therapies


Single-molecule nanocar takes its first spin

OPERA Confirms Faster Than Light Neutrinos And Indicates Ultra Superluminal Small Initial Jumps

BBC News - Neutrino experiment repeat at Cern finds same result

Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit

Death. Destruction. Science. It’s a winner!






  • http://curtrice.wordpress.com curtrice

    Re sexism in science, the Spanish government just published a fascinating report concluding that there’s pervasive sexism in universities — and the law was passed with support of both the outgoing and incoming governments, so we can still hope for action!

  • aimee whitcroft

    Interesting, thanks!

    I’m a little unclear, though, on what’s meant by “gendered perspectives”…

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