TOSP Episode 13: December 5th 2011

[Original post on the Sciblogs The Official Sciblogs Podcast site] Another week, another collection of brilliant stuff to talk about. This week, Elf and aimee talk about groups.  Well, mostly groups, but also weta, astronomy, learning and why we don’t have a cure for AIDS.  As for groups - we look into how StarCraft 2 […]

Would you like something scanned with an electron microscope?

Of course you would!  Who wouldn’t? And have it you can.  As I came into the work this morning, blearily clearing emails as I attempted to mainline some caffeine, I came upon an email most arresting. From an American company, ASPEX, it said that the company in question had a bit of an offer going […]

Sperm of a feather clump together

I’m gobsmacked.  And highly amused, as well (it’s the immature part of me, apologies). Credit: Phil Myers (photographer, copyright holder), Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan.  More info here and here.  (I tried to find a picture of sperm in question, but nothing seemed to be (c)-free) Research published in Nature this week has shown […]