
Stunning timing! xkcd’s newest strip is on the subject of physicists.    Why am I wittering about timing?  Well, given that I’ve just written a post about physicists explaining what’s going on, it’s pretty awesome synchronicity. Oh yes, and we do laughing at them a little, as well :) [HT: Jason for sending me the link, […]

A miscellany: delinkification, engineer duels and email addresses

I spend a great deal of my time every day reading things.  Not only is it my job, but it might well be a compulsive habit anyway. And I often want to share these things.  For this purpose, I have begun using Twitter frequently, but sometimes it’s nice to share interesting and amusing findings using […]

Stunning science imagery Pt I

Presents for your visual systems today… And we’ll be presenting two different people who’re merging science and visuals in new, and quite effective, ways. I know I have a previous post somewhere (probably on my old blog) about engineering photos as well, but I thought I’d start afresh. So, first up (because I saw it […]