Science, Technology

Looking at New Zealand’s IT professionals

Are you one of the many denizens of the industry that is ‘IT’? How did you become one?  What do your loved ones think of it?  What sort of hours do you work? Etc etc etc

The Institute of IT Professionals, IITP, has constructed a survey which, it says, is “the most comprehensive research project ever completed on the New Zealand IT profession!“. Of course, it’s looking for people to actually take the survey.

It takes about 20 minutes, and they’ve sweetened the pot with a couple of ThinkGeek vouchers*. Why is it being done, you ask? Well, the IITP hopes the results will help it better serve its members, represent their interests and opinions** and advise government on policy and whatnot, and add to our national stats. No doubt there will be other benefits, too, as there often are from having some good (hopefully) data :)

Of course, I haven’t yet done the survey***, as I’m still trying to figure out whether, working on website content and in science comms as I do, I even _count_ as an ‘ICT Professional’…

Update: I’m _already_ embroiled in a debate/conversation about how one defines who is or is not an IT or ICT (different things) professional. What are your thoughts?


* Ah, how they know us. Or some of us, at least :P

** The example of the Patents Bill is an…interesting one (the Bill has passed its second reading, and more on the subject here).

*** Which is why there are no possibly impertinent comments on the questions and survey style (from a market research background point of view) :P